
This is a newbie question, but I want to do several scenes with the camera placed at a specific angle to the object (assuming the object is placed on the grid). I can't find any settings for the current angle of the camera. I need to know what position it is in for the next blender file I create.

So how can I position the camera at exact location for different blender projects / files?



1 Answer 1


With your camera selected open the properties panel (N) and take a look at the top part, the Transform section.
Transform section of the properties panel

Here you can see, and change, the exact location and rotation of your camera. (Or any active object, not just the camera.)

You can get to the same information my going to the Object tab of the properties window, I just prefer to stay in the 3D view.

So for your two scenes, you can simply pick a location and orientation that you like, then copy the transformational values to your other camera.

  • $\begingroup$ Cool, just what I was looking for, thanks alot! :) $\endgroup$
    – Mat
    Commented May 7, 2016 at 23:24

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