What I want to achieve with Animation Nodes is below:
For example, Using four text objects to represent 1,9,9 and 8 individually, then I want to switch it to 2016, which means
1 to 2 (the switch sequence should be [1,2])
9 to 0 (the switch sequence should be [9,0])
9 to 1 (the switch sequence should be [9,0,1])
8 to 6 (the switch sequence should be [8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6])
Then, I want to do both animation styles like below:
A: when 1 to 2 is finished, the 9 to 0 animation will continue, then 9 to 1, then 8 to 6.
And B: all four digits switching animation can start together and end together, in other words, with the same duration.