After you add your sphere with bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add()
the new sphere will be the active object which you can get through bpy.context.active_object
, you can then add a particle modifier to it and adjust the settings which you can access through the particle modifier.
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(size = size, location = location)
obj = bpy.context.active_object
ps ='particles',type='PARTICLE_SYSTEM')
pset = ps.particle_system.settings
pset.emit_from = 'FACE' # VERT FACE VOLUME
pset.use_emit_random = True
pset.use_even_distribution = True
pset.distribution = 'JIT' # JIT RAND GRID
To adjust other properties you can use the tooltips to find the property name to use -
And if you don't know what values can be used for enumerated options like distribution
you can find them in blender's API documentation.