I'm trying to draw a 3D mushroom following this guide: https://www.raywenderlich.com/49955/blender-tutorial-for-beginners-how-to-make-a-mushroom
I need to paint the head of the mushroom and the stalk separately. For this reason I need to unwrap the stalk and the head of the mushroom and to group them on the UV editor. This is the the result that I should get:
Like you see on the UV editor there is both the head and the stalk of the mushroom. But if I try it myself, once I unwrap the head and I get this result:
If in the 3D editor I deselect all the faces (with the goal of starting to select the stalk's faces), the unwrapped mushroom's head on the UV editor disappears. Why? isn't there a way to "save" the faces unwrapped in the UV editor? how can I unwrap two set of faces without that one disappears?