so I'm trying to sync a Taurus mesh with some music to mimic the thumping of a bass and have found this video: (starts around 1:20) which describes using the shape key mixed with a Sine wave modifier that restricts the keyframes I'm using so I can isolate my "wub wub"'s to when the song does the same.
There's a few issues with me doing it this way. For each set of "Wubbles", as we'll call them, I have to add a new modifier (and restrict keyframes) each time.
Now this wouldn't be a huge issue, but I'd like to copy all of this data and repeat its usage when the song itself repeats, but I can't seem to select the Sine wave to Shift+D it and move it down the frame line. Is there a way to do this? or am I just missing the easier way of animating my Taurus altogether?