
When in weight paint mode when I right click a bone it goes into object mode and selects the whole armature but what I want to do is manipulate the bones while in paint mode, as seen in tutorials, to either move a part out of the way or test the weight painting.


2 Answers 2


The armature has to be in Pose mode, then Shift-select the mesh and go into Weight Paint mode.

If you have selection set to Right-click in Preferences then:

  • Sample weight (color) with Ctrl LMB
  • Select bone with RMB

If you have selection set to Left-click in Preferences:

  • Sample weight (color) with Ctrl RMB
  • Select bone with Ctrl LMB

Independently of Select with option:

  • Paint with LMB
  • Rotate, Move, Scale bone with R, G, S
  • Paint gradient with Alt LMB

I managed to enable the bone selection in Weight Paint Mode only after selecting both mesh and armature in Object Mode (the mesh should be selected second). Then switch from Object Mode to Weight Paint Mode and use Ctrl+LMB to select the bone.


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