I have a simple object selector using a prop search. At the moment it runs but doesn't show any of the objects in my scene. This is what it looks like:
How can I get that to show all of my objects?
Here is my code, I've dug out only the parts that should concern it...hopefully
class IgnitProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
screen_selector = StringProperty(
description = "Select the screen that goes with the unibody to rotate the screen properly!"
coll = CollectionProperty(
type = bpy.types.PropertyGroup
class IGLayoutDemoPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
def draw(self, context):
# Screen Selector
layout.label(text = "Screen Selector:")
layout.prop_search(scene.ignit_panel, "screen_selector", scene.ignit_panel, "coll", icon='OBJECT_DATA')