
I wanna rotate an object with this code below:

import bpy
from math import *
import mathutils

Name = 'Dimi'
me = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius = 0.5, depth = 1)
scj = bpy.context.scene
me1 = bpy.context.object.data
ob = bpy.data.objects.new(Name, me1)
for ob in scj.objects:
    ob.location.x += 4
    ob.location.y += 0
    ob.location.z += 0

ob.RotY = 0
ob.RotX = 0

But this function

ob.RotY = 0
ob.RotX = 0

is from blender 2.49 and can't find how to do this in a 2.74 version.


2 Answers 2

import bpy
from math import *  # It's considered bad practice to import everything from a library, especially when you're not using any (or just a few) of its function
import mathutils

Name = 'Dimi'

# The primitive_cylinder_add does not return the object, but rather only a status indicating success or failure
exitStatus = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius = 0.5, depth = 1)
scj = bpy.context.scene

# The added cylinder will be the active object afterits created
ob = bpy.context.object
me = ob.data
ob.name = Name

# These two lines are unnecessary and will generate another copy of your cylinder
#ob = bpy.data.objects.new(Name, me1)

# If you want to move your object, simply set its location thus:
ob.location = ( 4, 0, 0 )

# And you can rotate the object the same way
ob.rotation_euler = (0,0,0)  # Note that you need to use radians rather than angles here

I think you want something akin to,

import bpy
from math import radians
from mathutils import Vector

context = bpy.context
Name = 'Dimi'
# operators don't return object refs.
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius = 0.5, depth = 1)

scene = context.scene
ob = scene.objects.active # the newly added cylinder.
ob.name = Name
# move the object
ob.location += Vector((4, 0, 0))
# set the objects rotation
ob.rotation_euler = (0, 0, radians(20))

bpy.ops.mesh.primitive..add returns an object when run in object mode, or adds that primitive to a mesh when run in edit mode. Did you really want to move all objects in the scene?

  • $\begingroup$ is there something like radians but for XYZ scaling? or how do I properly change scales of XYZ $\endgroup$
    – cxnt
    Commented Aug 7, 2019 at 13:10
  • $\begingroup$ you can use something like bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(3, .5, 2)) for scaling $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 6, 2020 at 13:40

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