I have created an animation that plays properly when I'm in normal object manipulation mode but when I try "Play Rendered Animation" it just shows a blank gray screen (below), though the /tmp/*.png values are changing. I have tried this with Blender Render and Cycles Render with the same output.
I definitely have a light source, and here is what it looks like when I simply click Render for the current frame:
What should be happening is that spacecraft in the image does a "flyby" of the planet. I am using Blender 2.76 and am very new; your help is much appreciated! I can't figure out how to attach the .blend file, but here are the error messages I have in the terminal:
Executing command:
'/Applications/Blender/blender.app/Contents/MacOS/blender -a -f 24 1.0 -s 1 -e 200 -j 1 /tmp/0001.png'
ndof: 3Dx driver not found
playanim_toscreen: no ibuf for picture '/tmp/0039.png'
playanim_toscreen: no ibuf for picture '/tmp/0052.png'
playanim_toscreen: no ibuf for picture '/tmp/0030.png'
playanim_toscreen: no ibuf for picture '/tmp/0035.png'
playanim_toscreen: no ibuf for picture '/tmp/0045.png'
playanim_toscreen: no ibuf for picture '/tmp/0052.png'