I wrote the function get_blender_camera_from_3x4_P to do this, listed below.
# Input: P 3x4 numpy matrix
# Output: K, R, T such that P = K*[R | T], det(R) positive and K has positive diagonal
# Reference implementations:
# - Oxford's visual geometry group matlab toolbox
# - Scilab Image Processing toolbox
def KRT_from_P(P):
N = 3
H = P[:,0:N] # if not numpy, H = P.to_3x3()
[K,R] = rf_rq(H)
K /= K[-1,-1]
# from http://ksimek.github.io/2012/08/14/decompose/
# make the diagonal of K positive
sg = numpy.diag(numpy.sign(numpy.diag(K)))
K = K * sg
R = sg * R
# det(R) negative, just invert; the proj equation remains same:
if (numpy.linalg.det(R) < 0):
R = -R
# C = -H\P[:,-1]
C = numpy.linalg.lstsq(-H, P[:,-1])[0]
T = -R*C
return K, R, T
# RQ decomposition of a numpy matrix, using only libs that already come with
# blender by default
# Author: Ricardo Fabbri
# Reference implementations:
# Oxford's visual geometry group matlab toolbox
# Scilab Image Processing toolbox
# Input: 3x4 numpy matrix P
# Returns: numpy matrices r,q
def rf_rq(P):
P = P.T
# numpy only provides qr. Scipy has rq but doesn't ship with blender
q, r = numpy.linalg.qr(P[ ::-1, ::-1], 'complete')
q = q.T
q = q[ ::-1, ::-1]
r = r.T
r = r[ ::-1, ::-1]
if (numpy.linalg.det(q) < 0):
r[:,0] *= -1
q[0,:] *= -1
return r, q
# Creates a blender camera consistent with a given 3x4 computer vision P matrix
# Run this in Object Mode
# scale: resolution scale percentage as in GUI, known a priori
# P: numpy 3x4
def get_blender_camera_from_3x4_P(P, scale):
# get krt
K, R_world2cv, T_world2cv = KRT_from_P(numpy.matrix(P))
scene = bpy.context.scene
sensor_width_in_mm = K[1,1]*K[0,2] / (K[0,0]*K[1,2])
sensor_height_in_mm = 1 # doesn't matter
resolution_x_in_px = K[0,2]*2 # principal point assumed at the center
resolution_y_in_px = K[1,2]*2 # principal point assumed at the center
s_u = resolution_x_in_px / sensor_width_in_mm
s_v = resolution_y_in_px / sensor_height_in_mm
# TODO include aspect ratio
f_in_mm = K[0,0] / s_u
# recover original resolution
scene.render.resolution_x = resolution_x_in_px / scale
scene.render.resolution_y = resolution_y_in_px / scale
scene.render.resolution_percentage = scale * 100
# Use this if the projection matrix follows the convention listed in my answer to
# https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/38009/3x4-camera-matrix-from-blender-camera
R_bcam2cv = Matrix(
((1, 0, 0),
(0, -1, 0),
(0, 0, -1)))
# Use this if the projection matrix follows the convention from e.g. the matlab calibration toolbox:
# R_bcam2cv = Matrix(
# ((-1, 0, 0),
# (0, 1, 0),
# (0, 0, 1)))
R_cv2world = R_world2cv.T
rotation = Matrix(R_cv2world.tolist()) @ R_bcam2cv
location = -R_cv2world @ T_world2cv
# create a new camera
ob = bpy.context.object
ob.name = 'CamFrom3x4PObj'
cam = ob.data
cam.name = 'CamFrom3x4P'
# Lens
cam.type = 'PERSP'
cam.lens = f_in_mm
cam.lens_unit = 'MILLIMETERS'
cam.sensor_width = sensor_width_in_mm
ob.matrix_world = Matrix.Translation(location)@rotation.to_4x4()
# cam.shift_x = -0.05
# cam.shift_y = 0.1
# cam.clip_start = 10.0
# cam.clip_end = 250.0
# empty = bpy.data.objects.new('DofEmpty', None)
# empty.location = origin+Vector((0,10,0))
# cam.dof_object = empty
# Display
cam.show_name = True
# Make this the current camera
scene.camera = ob
def test2():
P = Matrix([
[2. , 0. , - 10. , 282. ],
[0. ,- 3. , - 14. , 417. ],
[0. , 0. , - 1. , - 18. ]
# This test P was constructed as k*[r | t] where
# k = [2 0 10; 0 3 14; 0 0 1]
# r = [1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 -1]
# t = [231 223 -18]
# k, r, t = KRT_from_P(numpy.matrix(P))
get_blender_camera_from_3x4_P(P, 1)
- I got an image with known 3x4 projection matrix P. This can be from a computer vision dataset (usually following the conventions of the Matlab camera calibration toolbox), tracked set, or by generating P from a blender camera as in 3x4 camera matrix from blender camera
- I ran the above algorithm for such P, obtaining a camera in Blender.
- The dataset I tested with has 3D reconstruction data as well
- Numpad 0 gives the camera view. I confirmed that it looks like the photo
- By adding a background image to the camera, I noticed that the 3D model projection is spot-on.
- This code is meant as a basis for a general solution. Modify this if you follow different conventions.
- Only unit aspect ratio (render option) is supported for now.
- The camera representation might sometimes look odd, but the only thing that matters is that it generates the right image.