
I have an X3D from Meshlab which has color per face, It's a polyhedron where per face colors are the best compared to per vertex.

Can blender show X3D per face colors? I have found an option of per vertex colors in New Material>Options, is viewing per triangle colors not implemented?


1 Answer 1


related, same thing happens with .ply files: use the Vertex Color layer: Import PLY doesn't display vertex colors

In Blender there is no color per polygon, but you can set all vertices of individual polygons to the same color. When vertices are shared by multiple Polygons their vertex_color information is not.

If the .x3d is formatted correctly, then Blender will make the appropriate vertex_color map (tested! for instance with this file).

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks alot for the tips, i had a go to find the node arrangement and i lost the materials window i will have another go today. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 14, 2015 at 7:14

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