I am animating a roulette ball spinning around the roulette wheel using a follow path constraint. Currently it is doing just what I wanted it to do.
However, I need to be able to keyframe animate the ball to move away from the curve and fall into one of the number holes.
I thought I would be able to keyframe the influence at the point I wanted the ball to leave the curve (ie... 100% frame 200, 0% frame 201) However when I do this the ball moves to a completely different location. Unfortunately I can't upload the blend file due to license issues, but I've included some frame captures to try and show the problem.
EDIT I just wanted to say thanks for all the help on this problem. The help I got here was just what was needed. If you want to check out the roulette wheel animation its here roulettewheel animation You will find it in the credits towards the end of the video.