
I am using UV mapping for exporting textures to unity. Firstly i map the object with smart uv mapping and then bake it. After that I save the image as png; add it into material as texture of object in unity.

With that process should I save and export blender file again after mapping objects or can i just use texture files directly? How unity understand UV maps if I just add textures as png files? I am assuming composite nodes are not exported with that method. Are there any method for exporting composite nodes?

And are there any easier method?

  • $\begingroup$ The image texture files (.png etc.) don't contain any mapping information on their own. I suppose it might be possible to bake the mapping to an image if both programs make some assumptions about the space such a mapping is represented in, but I've never heard of things being done that way. Depending on exactly how you are importing/exporting, you might be better off adding the texture to the object in blender, then exporting object, texture, and UV map from blender all at once. $\endgroup$
    – gandalf3
    Commented Aug 17, 2015 at 7:24

1 Answer 1


You have to export your model again once you UV mapped it, because unity will not be able to get the UV data as your model don't have them.


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