I want to calculate a rotation matrix from two vectors, in order to check the steps are correct I have setup 3 armatures.
- A reference bone (arm_org),
- One that is directly rotated by applying a rotation matrix (arm_rot) and
- Another (arm_mat) that should be rotated by a matrix that has been calculated from the rotational difference of the 1st and 2nd.
Why are the bones tails not updated? Unfortunatly ArmatureEditBones isn't well documented. I also tried to set the active bone. But the changes are not reflected in the 3D view. Only the currently selected bone can manipulated.
def setBone( name, v ):
arm = bpy.data.armatures[ name ]
print("set arm=" + name + " v=" + str( v ))
for bone in arm.edit_bones:
print( bone.tail )
bone.tail= v
def getBone( name ):
#bpy.context.scene.objects.active = bpy.data.objects[ name ]
arm = bpy.data.armatures[ name ]
print("get arm=" + name + " arm=" + str( arm ))
v = None
for bone in arm.edit_bones:
print( bone.tail )
v = bone.tail
return v
def vec():
mx = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(math.radians(15.0), 4, 'X')
my = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(math.radians(30.0), 4, 'Y')
mz = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(math.radians(45.0), 4, 'Z')
m = mx * my * mz
print( "m : " + str (m ))
# get and duplicate original tail pos of reference bone
vo = getBone("arm_org")
if vo == None:
print("arm_org not found")
setBone("arm_mat", vo.copy() )
setBone("arm_rot", vo.copy() )
vr = vo * m
setBone("arm_rot", vr )
# recalc and apply matrix from rotational difference
q = vo.rotation_difference( vr )
mr = q.to_matrix()
vm = vo * mr
setBone( "arm_mat" , vm )
print("mr: " + str(mr))
print( "-" * 20 )
Blend file (works only in edit mode with arm_org selected)