I am trying to make a visual explanation of vertex sequence for a mesh object. I pieced this script together from the internet. It runs, but I don't see anything happen. How can I get the effect to be visible? (vertices become selected one at a time until all selected, then deselected one at a time (in the same order)).
If I can get it to work, then I can illustrate various patterns, not just vertex order.
Also, is this really the best way to update the 3D viewer?
bpy.context.scene.objects.active = bpy.context.scene.objects.active
Here is an illustration. I added the wireframe view for fun. I'll make it easier on the eyes once I can get something to work (this is 34 screen shots)
import bpy
import bmesh
import time
# START WITH CUBE or low vertex number mesh selected.
ao = bpy.context.active_object
oo = bpy.ops.object
me = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(ao.data)
nverts = len(me.verts)
for i in range(2):
for iv in range(nverts):
me.verts[iv].select = True # light them up one at a time
#update screen
bpy.context.scene.objects.active = bpy.context.scene.objects.active
for iv in range(nverts):
me.verts[iv].select = False # turn them off one at a time
#update screen
bpy.context.scene.objects.active = bpy.context.scene.objects.active
now. Thanks! $\endgroup$