I am new to blender, but not python, and have been asked to create a user-input dependent, stylized animation of a protein network I am working with:
text document >> information processed by python-script >> blender animates
So, if certain parameters in the network are changed, the differences in behavior can be observed visually as well.
Instead of coding in Blender's built-in Text Editor, I have been working in "pycharm". However, when I attempt to run the program through blender, it will throw an error and inform me that all my custom modules cannot be found and imported, though they are all in the same directory. Same goes for all the text documents. The text files in particular are a problem as we are talking about thousands of data-points that can't be manually entered.
All modules and text files are saved in the same directory as the program's master runner.
I am working on a windows 7, 64 bit windows machine.
additional information
the errors:
# import error:
no module named 'x'
# filenotfounderror:
[errno2] No such file or directory: 'y'
blender_file_directory: C:\Users\Henry\Documents\Blender\file.blend
python_files_directory: C:\Users\Henry\PycharmProjects\project_name\runner.py
# import of modules:
from module import *
# import of txt file:
numpy.loadtxt('gillespie.txt', unpack=False)
The script is called through blender's own SDK like so:
filename = "C:/Users/Henry/PycharmProjects/project_name/runner.py"
exec(compile(open(filename).read(), filename, 'exec'))
Text files are stored in the same directory as python scripts, so importing them when running the script through python is no problem. Only when it's run through blender does it throw an error.