I have a character who's like a snail with legs in a hard metal ball. He's animated to run, stand still, and curl up inside the ball. For my game-play, I would like the ball to roll off like a completely normal rigid-body object. Unfortunately, it is parented to the armature. once the snail is curled, it remains where it is, no physics.
How can I have my snail curl up into his ball and roll away? I feel like this could be done by ending the object and adding a rigid body ball, but then how do I get the snail back when it's time to uncurl? It present yet another problem if you parent the snails armature to the rigid body ball: where does the ball go when the snail unfolds? how can I guarantee that proper rotation will be kept on the snails body?
I don't need a "solution", but I do need more ideas on what to try in order for this to work. I've tried literally all day, spent every idea I’ve had, and now i just need more things to test before I give up.
Okay, heres my most recent test.
Space-bar switches mode. its pretty easy to see the problem.