I have a linked asset, with library override. The asset has an armature object. How can i retrieve the path of the linked object/armature ID? I use selected object as the test.
import bpy
selected = bpy.context.selected_objects
for object in selected:
objName = object.name
object_data = object.data
data_link_filepath = object_data.library.filepath
print(f'objName : {objName}')
print(f'object_data : {object_data}')
print(f'data_link_filepath : {data_link_filepath}')
This script works on geometry/mesh objects. In Armature case, It managed to get the armature object ID and the armature data ID. But it returns error when it comes to the object_data.library.filepath part. Somehow the object_data.library returns as None.