I joined two objects in Blender and merged the vertices. I wonder why the head is shaded a little bit darker. I made the whole object smooth shaded afterwards. The normals seem to be okay too:
$\begingroup$ hello could you please share your file? $\endgroup$– moonbootsCommented Jun 9 at 14:24
$\begingroup$ drive.google.com/drive/folders/… here you go $\endgroup$– DoubleVoidCommented Jun 9 at 14:28
1$\begingroup$ The head and body use different colors on the Materials > Viewport Display > Color panel (below the normal Materials section). Go into Edit mode and in Face Select mode, compare the Viewport color on a body and head Face! For that matter, the head uses Head_SG as its material and the body uses Default so the rendered colours will be different too. $\endgroup$– John EasonCommented Jun 9 at 14:58
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1 Answer
Your Viewport Shading is set to Material instead of Object:
So you'll see the color set for this object in the Material panel under Viewport Display: