I'm trying to create speech bubbles using Geometry Nodes, allowing for different shaped tails and positions of the tail.
I can't figure out a method to join the curves in a smooth way such that the edge of the curve becomes one continuous line around the outer edges of my two curves I'm trying to merge into one.
Here is what the outcome should look like (this one is just handmade) I am using a Curve Circle for the speech bubble and trying to add in a new segment using a secondary curve.
The idea for this setup for the speech tail is so I could create variations, like the wavy bubble here, or this thought bubble, or just have a curvature to the pointer. I had some success with Curve to Points > Points to Curve, but I can't figure out how to re-order the point index values or move the start/end point. I also think I need to delete the points that are within the bounding box of the pointer, but I don’t know how.