I have a plane which I rotated up 90 degrees on X and 45 degrees on Z. I run this code to get the vertices world location's:
import bpy
ob = bpy.context.object
verts = [i.co * ob.matrix_world for i in ob.data.vertices]
The results I should get should be something like:
-0.707, -0.707, -1
0.707, 0.707, -1
-0.707, -0.707, 1
0.707, 0.707, 1
Instead I get:
-1.41, 7.1e-15, -1.19e-7
-1.19e-7, -1.06e-7, 1.41
1.19e-7, 1.06e-7, -1.41
1.41, -4.1e-15, 1.19e-7
What is going on here?