I would like to make a texture that could reflect that change of every vertex of the mesh making red values = X-axis, Green values = Y-axis, blue values = Z-axis
so the changes only will be when shapekey is in 0 and when it is in 1 like this images
I need them to be on .Png format (since i know their limitations, I would like something like 1 on red is 1 meters, 0.5 0.5 meters an so on) this is because i dont think the morph will move more than 1 meter. I still think one meter is a lot for the image i showed.
and since it can have negative values i think the perfect would be making them at start point grey and if it is black will move to -axis and if it is white to +axis.
I can not use .EXR since the program i used dont support it that is why i would like png.
also i would like just to record the movement so if the part does not move the texture wont change and it will be gray.
sorry if i added a lot i just wanted to be as specific as i can thank you so much.