Is there a way in the outliner, the collections I make to be in alphabetical order? for example, I have over 30 collections, the folder with the letter A, is after the letter F, and the letter S is on the top of the collections, all is mixed up.
1 Answer
Updated full code for menu access and a few sorting options(7-Feb). Original answer at bottom.
Sorting functions added to context menus for 'OUTLINER'.
- OUTLINER_MT_collection
- OUTLINER_MT_collection_new (required when sorting from master scene collection)
Sorting ascending or descending.
Sorting direct children or recursive from active layer collection.
Limitation Outliner display mode must be set to 'VIEW_LAYER'.
General Operation
Right click on a collection in the outliner (this will be considered the parent collection for operations).
At the bottom of the context popup menu you will see an option for "Sort Collections" which expands to available options.
bl_info = {
"name": "VL_Sort",
"author": "Nezumi",
"version": (0, 0, 2),
"blender": (4, 0, 2),
"location": "Outliner > rightclick menu > Sort Collections",
"description": "Sort layer collections in outliner",
"warning": "",
"wiki_url": "",
"category": "Interface",
import bpy
class USER_OT_sort_colls(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'user.sort_colls'
bl_label = "Sort Collections"
reverse: bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=False)
recursive_children: bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=False)
def poll(cls, context):
area = [a for a in context.screen.areas if a.type == 'OUTLINER'][0]
cond = area.spaces[0].display_mode == 'VIEW_LAYER'
return cond
def execute(self, context):
m_vcoll = context.view_layer.layer_collection.collection
start_coll = context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection
def sort_child_colls(p_vcoll, rev = False):
c_vcolls = p_vcoll.children
s_vcolls = sorted(c_vcolls.keys(), reverse = rev)
for vcoll in c_vcolls:
for k in s_vcolls:
def sort_child_rec(p_vcoll = m_vcoll, rev = False):
c_vcolls = p_vcoll.children_recursive
for coll in list(c_vcolls):
if len(coll.children) == 0:
for coll in c_vcolls:
sort_child_colls(coll, rev)
sort_child_colls(p_vcoll, rev)
if not self.recursive_children:
sort_child_colls(start_coll, self.reverse)
sort_child_rec(start_coll, self.reverse)
return {'FINISHED'}
class USER_MT_vlsort_sub1(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_label = 'Children Only'
bl_idname = 'USER_MT_vlsort_sub1'
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
sort_c_asc = layout.operator("user.sort_colls", text="Sort Ascending", icon='SORT_ASC')
sort_c_asc.reverse = False
sort_c_asc.recursive_children = False
sort_c_desc = layout.operator("user.sort_colls", text="Sort Descending", icon='SORT_DESC')
sort_c_desc.reverse = True
sort_c_desc.recursive_children = False
class USER_MT_vlsort_sub2(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_label = 'Children Recursive'
bl_idname = 'USER_MT_vlsort_sub2'
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
sort_r_asc = layout.operator("user.sort_colls", text="Sort Ascending", icon='SORT_ASC')
sort_r_asc.reverse = False
sort_r_asc.recursive_children = True
sort_r_desc = layout.operator("user.sort_colls", text="Sort Descending", icon='SORT_DESC')
sort_r_desc.reverse = True
sort_r_desc.recursive_children = True
class USER_MT_vlsort_main(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_label = 'Sort Collections'
bl_idname = 'USER_MT_vlsort_main'
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
def menu_item_draw_func_sort(self, context):
layout = self.layout"USER_MT_vlsort_main")
classes = [
def register():
for cls in classes:
def unregister():
for cls in classes:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Original Answer
Below is an ugly script but should be functional in blender 3.x and 4.x. Note this only affects the 1st hierarchy level not recursive levels.
import bpy
C = bpy.context
vcols = C.view_layer.layer_collection.collection.children
s_vcols = sorted(vcols.keys())
for vcol in vcols:
for k in s_vcols:
$\begingroup$ Thank you for this. Hopefully one day the developer can include an option for this in the outliner. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 6 at 23:07