I've got an .obj file with a raised street (selected in the image) and uneven terrain around it and want to flatten the street, so it kind of blends in with the surrounding area.
What's important: This must not add or remove vertices, it should only change the height of the raised ones but not touch the position (x/y) otherwise or the surrounding area at all.
What makes this more complicated is that the surrounding area isn't the same height everywhere, so I can't simply s+z+0 without creating ugly cuts, which I won't be able to remove just by using the "smooth" tool because it doesn't take the surrounding area into account.
I'm aware I could create a nice slope by hand in sculpting mode (very carefully to not change the surrounding vertices) but is there a way to do this automatically (after selecting the area, of course) in Blender 2.91, so I can do it semi-quickly for multiple files?