i wanted to show the number of the photographic sequence like this
how can i do it in blender video editor? thank you!
i wanted to show the number of the photographic sequence like this
how can i do it in blender video editor? thank you!
See the Blender Manual entry about Metadata. To add the Frame number to your rendered output, select the Output Properties icon in the R/H panel and scroll down to the Metadata section. You can then check only the information you want shown in the rendered output. Check Burn into Image and choose a suitable font size and colour. I'd suggest at least 24 px font size. The frame number is displayed in the bottom left corner of the output and as far as I can see there's no way of changing its position on the image.
This is the output when frame 7 is rendered
I would do it with Geometry Nodes. Just take any object like a plane for example and add a Geometry Nodes nodetree to it.
Then you take a Scene Time node and plug the Frame output into a Value to String node and that into a String to Curve node. There you can adjust all the settings for font, size, alignment etc. to your liking. Afterwards comes a Fill Curve node and a Set Material node.
Now you can put this object in front of the camera so that it is placed wherever you want it in the image. Parent it to the camera and it will stay there no matter how the camera moves. If you do not want the frame number to interact with anything in the scene, go to the Object Properties > Visibility > Ray Visibility and disable everything except for Camera.
The nodetree:
And the result:
Of course you can put anything in there, the frame number, the seconds, or calculate something based on frames or seconds and put that in there. You could even animate the frame number to be moving while the animation is running.