This is probably a dumb question. But how do I find the nearest point along an edge? I'm not good at vector math and can't figure this out.
So for example, I have a singular object. That object has 3 verts. That's all. Just 3 verts. Arbitrarily placed. From that, I imagine a vector defined by 2 of the verts. Then, I imagine the 3rd vert projected to the nearest point of the vector. That's the position I want. How did I get it? There are a number of explanations on other websites for this, but the math equations still go over my head. Can someone show me how it's expressed in geometry nodes?
I thought it would be as easy as subtracting point A from point B, then projecting point C onto that. But no, the projection snaps down toward the origin point. As the magnitude is relative to the origin of the object I suppose. So I guess I need to add the projection with another vector to get it back up to where it's supposed to be? IDK. I'm lost.