I'm working towards making an intro video similar to the old FIA F1 intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgiBkydMW8k
I had some questions about path following previously: How can I have multiple objects follow a single path but maintain their original offset?
I've got a good set of nodes now for creating a "noisy" curve and causing the object to follow that path (original file):
I'm struggling now with adding "random noise" to that path follow. In other words, as the object follows the path, I want to randomly insert noise into the position/translation or rotation or scale. Unfortunately, I'm struggling to figure out how to do this. If I manage to get anything to "add," it usually ends up deforming the object and not actually moving the object.
adding an additional "transform geometry" works, but whenever I try to plug something into it, the line turns red:
using set position with the offset and a noise texture results in the object being deformed:
I'm not really sure how I can add some randomized translation/rotation/scale to this object after the path follow is implemented. Can someone help?
Updated file: