I've got a simple model of a knob with a wood texture. I'd like to be able to overlay some simple text on it using a png file created with gimp.
I bring in the file in the UV editor, and map it to the surface that I'm wanting it to be on. In doing this I run into a problem where the alpha channel turns everything black. I made sure that the node has the alpha from the picture linked with the principal bsd not, but that doesn't seem to make a difference. Doing a bunch of googling, I discovered that the problem may be with having the blend mode for the alpha be opaque. I changed this to alpha clip and alpha hash, but that makes the entire surface transparent.
So what I'm wanting it to do is something like this:
But with the alpha mode on opaque it looks like this:
Now if I switch the alpha blend mode to alpha clip it looks like this:
In case you are having trouble seeing the part that it made transparent, here it is before adding the texture:
Any and all suggestions will be appreciated.
I've packed the file and uploaded it here test.blend file. I will warn you that you may encounter a "security risk" in the form of a "SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN" when you go there. I've been working with the provider to address the issue.