I'm now working on textures with Object Texture Coordinate on a model with animation. I've discovered that Blender may use real-time coordinates for texture mapping, which makes the texture slide along the surface of the model.
My question is that, how can I use the static original Object Texture Coordinate at the first time step, rather than the dynamic real-time ones, for mapping, in order to make the texture sticking on the model during the animation.
In this question, the answers suggested to use Generated and UV Texture Coordinates. But for there's something different about what I want to paint on the model, so any other Texture Coordinates, especially Generated and UV Texture Coordinates, are not expected, if possible.
(Anyway, here's what I want to do with the static coordinates I asked for above. I'm modifying a model for MikuMikuDance in blender. With Object Texture Coordinates and 'constant' color ramp, I want to divide several rectangular areas on the character for future texturing. Of course, UV Texture Coordinates can also do this, but the area will be only rectangular on uv, but not on Cartisian coordinate. That's why I insist about Object Texture Coordinates. )
Thanks to @MarkusvonBroady and @RobinBetts 's answer. I've met a defect of baking method: cracks may occurs between adjacent meshes due to the inaccuracy of baking:
However @MarkusvonBroady 's method of geometry node can avoid such cracks, for which this method is more recommended: