I'm struggling here crew! Why can't I get this fairly simple idea to work...
I need to create a mesh to fit over a model of a sealed cosmetics tube, and effectively emulate a printable area on a real world sealed cosmetics tube.
My process at the moment is;
- Import the mesh in from a separate CAD program (assume it is not created by me)
- Create a cylinder primitive around it
- Z align the cylinder, and use the upper and lower bounds of the real world print area to crop the top and bottom of the cylinder to represent this size.
- edit mode -> face select - > delete top and bottom face of cylinder
- Subdivide the cylinder a few times to help the next step...
- Apply modifier - shrinkwrap to the tube (wrap method = project, snap mode = on surface, negative = checked, and offset created appropriately to prevent z-fighting)
- Inspecting the UV and it all looks good - nice quads as expected from the cylinder primitive.
- However, the mesh itself is now distorted from conforming to the face of the tube during the shrinkwrap process. You can see in the image that partway up the mesh, the edges begin to taper in toward the centre. This distorts any artwork which is applied to the tube, giving it a tapering effect like the star-wars opening scroll. This is undesirable.
Is there a way that I can correct the shrinkwrapped mesh so that it does not distort the artwork texture when it is applied?
Here are some images;