Maybe the question is dumb, but (appart of IntVectorProperty) I didn't found anything in the API, so I was wondering about the best way to make a simple list/array.
I tried:
But says it cannot be registered.
is not useful in my case since I need the list to be dynamic (API says that the vector must be of a predefined size).
So I was wondering about the best approach of making that list of ints.
Edit: the context is to have that array/list of ints inside a class that inherits PropertyGroup.
class ObjectA(PropertyGroup):
int_list:list[int] # This gives error (says property dont exist when I access it)
int_list:list[int] = [] # This dont give an error, but the data is not saved
int_list:IntVectorProperty() # I cant use that since the vector is not dynamic
Thank you so much for the help.
bpy.context.scene["someProperty"] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]