I've copied my script below. The script runs fine and it feels like everything is set up correctly but no depth or normal files are outputted ... is my renderer maybe not using the right output node?
Any guidance very much appreciated!
import os, math
import bpy
# Set up rendering
context = bpy.context
scene = bpy.context.scene
render = bpy.context.scene.render
render.engine = "BLENDER_EEVEE"
render.image_settings.color_mode = "RGB" # ('RGB', 'RGBA', ...)
render.image_settings.color_depth = "8"
render.image_settings.file_format = "PNG"
render.resolution_x = 256
render.resolution_y = 256
render.resolution_percentage = 100
render.film_transparent = True
scene.use_nodes = True
nodes = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.nodes
links = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.links
# Clear default nodes
for n in nodes:
# Create input render layer node
render_layers = nodes.new("CompositorNodeRLayers")
# Create depth output nodes
depth_file_output = nodes.new(type="CompositorNodeOutputFile")
depth_file_output.label = "Depth Output"
depth_file_output.base_path = ""
depth_file_output.file_slots[0].use_node_format = True
depth_file_output.format.file_format = "OPEN_EXR"
depth_file_output.format.color_depth = "16"
links.new(render_layers.outputs["Depth"], depth_file_output.inputs[0])
# Create normal output nodes
scale_node = nodes.new(type="CompositorNodeMixRGB")
scale_node.blend_type = "MULTIPLY"
# scale_node.use_alpha = True
scale_node.inputs[2].default_value = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
links.new(render_layers.outputs["Normal"], scale_node.inputs[1])
bias_node = nodes.new(type="CompositorNodeMixRGB")
bias_node.blend_type = "ADD"
# bias_node.use_alpha = True
bias_node.inputs[2].default_value = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0)
links.new(scale_node.outputs[0], bias_node.inputs[1])
normal_file_output = nodes.new(type="CompositorNodeOutputFile")
normal_file_output.label = "Normal Output"
normal_file_output.base_path = ""
normal_file_output.file_slots[0].use_node_format = True
normal_file_output.format.file_format = "PNG"
links.new(bias_node.outputs[0], normal_file_output.inputs[0])
# Create albedo output nodes
alpha_albedo = nodes.new(type="CompositorNodeSetAlpha")
links.new(render_layers.outputs["DiffCol"], alpha_albedo.inputs["Image"])
links.new(render_layers.outputs["Alpha"], alpha_albedo.inputs["Alpha"])
albedo_file_output = nodes.new(type="CompositorNodeOutputFile")
albedo_file_output.label = "Albedo Output"
albedo_file_output.base_path = ""
albedo_file_output.file_slots[0].use_node_format = True
albedo_file_output.format.file_format = "PNG"
albedo_file_output.format.color_mode = "RGB"
albedo_file_output.format.color_depth = "8"
links.new(alpha_albedo.outputs["Image"], albedo_file_output.inputs[0])
# Delete default cube
################ START SCENE LOGIC #################
# Add cube to scene
cube = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
cube.location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
################ END SCENE LOGIC ###################
obj = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
# Possibly disable specular shading
for slot in obj.material_slots:
node = slot.material.node_tree.nodes["Principled BSDF"]
node.inputs["Specular"].default_value = 0.05
# Make light just directional, disable shadows.
light = bpy.data.lights["Light"]
light.type = "SUN"
light.use_shadow = False
# Possibly disable specular shading:
light.specular_factor = 1.0
light.energy = 10.0
# Add another light source so stuff facing away from light is not completely dark
light2 = bpy.data.lights["Sun"]
light2.use_shadow = False
light2.specular_factor = 1.0
light2.energy = 0.015
bpy.data.objects["Sun"].rotation_euler = bpy.data.objects["Light"].rotation_euler
bpy.data.objects["Sun"].rotation_euler[0] += 180
# Place camera
cam = scene.objects["Camera"]
cam.location = (0, 10, 5)
cam.data.lens = 35
cam.data.sensor_width = 32
cam_constraint = cam.constraints.new(type="TRACK_TO")
cam_constraint.track_axis = "TRACK_NEGATIVE_Z"
cam_constraint.up_axis = "UP_Y"
cam_empty = bpy.data.objects.new("Empty", None)
cam_empty.location = (0, 0, 0)
cam.parent = cam_empty
context.view_layer.objects.active = cam_empty
cam_constraint.target = cam_empty
view_count = 10
stepsize = 360.0 / view_count
rotation_mode = "XYZ"
model_identifier = "cube"
fp = os.path.join(os.path.abspath("../data"), model_identifier, model_identifier)
for i in range(0, view_count):
print("Rotation {}, {}".format((stepsize * i), math.radians(stepsize * i)))
render_file_path = fp + "_r_{0:03d}".format(int(i * stepsize))
scene.render.filepath = render_file_path
depth_file_output.file_slots[0].path = render_file_path + "_depth"
normal_file_output.file_slots[0].path = render_file_path + "_normal"
albedo_file_output.file_slots[0].path = render_file_path + "_albedo"
bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True) # render still
cam_empty.rotation_euler[2] += math.radians(stepsize)