I have a small strip mesh that is placed over a larger terrain mesh. The polygon of the strip overlap perfectly with the polygons on the terrain.
I want to tell Eevee that the strip mesh should always appear above the terrain mesh. But I don't want to render the strip mesh above the entire scene.
With OpenGL this is very easy to do. Just render the terrain mesh first and then render the strip with the Z compare function set to less or equal. Graphic engines typically have render order integers that can be set on meshes or materials to tell who must be rendered after who. But I can't find anything similar in Blender. This sounds like a very basic feature so it must exist right?
I don't want to achieve this by placing the strip slightly above the terrain. This is a dirty trick that will be unnecessary and cause trouble when the scene will be exported and used in a game engine.
Also, the strip is semi transparent so we don't want to remove the terrain under it.
Any advice?