
While modelling a character, I modelled the legs separates but now I want to merge both objects at the crotch area, but whenever I press "M" to merge the vertices at the crotch area I get a totally different result. It doesn't matter if I select "At Center" or "At Cursor" or anything, I still get this same result.

So here's what it looks like before pressing "M" (with the faces I want to merge being selected) enter image description here

And after I press "M" enter image description here


2 Answers 2


If I understand correctly what you're trying to do, first make sure that the 2 meshes are in the same object, select your 2 faces and use the CtrlE > Bridge Edge Loops. Then if you want the 2 parts to merge enable the Merge option in the Operator Box:

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ I tried, but it didn't merge for some odd reason. Here's a drive link to the file itself: drive.google.com/file/d/19d3NlIex8wCiyCJy6q_ixLtfSGmB4U2i/… $\endgroup$
    – MELT UP
    Commented Aug 24, 2023 at 17:05
  • $\begingroup$ Remove the Boolean modifier of Cube.001, join Cube.001 Cube with a Ctrl J, in Edit mode recalculate the normals with Shift N, then Ctrl E > Bridge Edge Loops $\endgroup$
    – moonboots
    Commented Aug 24, 2023 at 17:50

Press S, 0 keys to scale the selected vertices to a single point - this point is the Pivot Point, which by default is the Median Point (center). You can press . (dot) key to bring up Pivot Point choice, and switch it to e.g. 3D Cursor.

Keep in mind this will produce two vertices, one for each object. Separate objects can't share a vertex. You could merge both objects into one by selecting both and pressing ✲ CtrlJ, then merging will work…


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