I have a closed mesh line (no faces) which is the outlines of a city street system. This is the result of a complicated Geometry Nodes setup which I've now converted to mesh to simplify the file. I use the outline to create sidewalks: first extrude it up to be higher than the streets, then extrude the upper edges outward to create the surface. I want the extrude to be an even offset, the new edge being parallel to the original but the default extrude gives different result around rounded/sharp corners.
I suppose, what I need is to retrieve the normals of the vertical faces because those seem to point in the right direction and use those vectors as the offset for the extrude node?
This answer must be close but I really don't understand that node setup and am not sure if it could be applied to my case.
Result looks good here: extrude is uneven between rounded and non rounded corners here: use the face normal vectors?