
I've been working on a scene where a plant is blown over by the wind and then rolls in a circular motion for a while.

I've been watching tutorials on how to make different parts of the plant move (wind effect) using empty shapes as controllers. I added keyframes at various points in the timeline (from 0 to around 220).

I've also created circular paths using follow path curves by drawing them in edit mode. However, I noticed that the motion starts from 0 instead of 225 (where I want it to begin, right when it touches the ground).

Is there a way to make the plant follow the path from a specific keyframe, like starting at 225? For example, once it touches the ground at 225, I want it to start rolling and continue for the next 50 frames, gradually slowing down (up to 300).


  • How can I make a plant follow a circular path starting from a specific keyframe (e.g., frame 225) in Blender, so that it rolls for the next 50 frames after touching the ground?

Thank you for your help.

screenshot of other keyframes for wind effect on plant overview of the follow path


1 Answer 1


If what you want your object to follow a curve only after a certain frame, what you can do is create your first movement from point A to point B, point B being the start point of the curve, use the 3D cursor and Shift to precisely place the object, keyframe the locations:

enter image description here

At the second location, also set the Influence value of the Follow Path constraint to 0 and keyframe:

enter image description here

The very next frame, set the Influence value to 1, the Offset to 0 and keyframe, reset the object location with AltG so that it sticks to the start of the curve and keyframe its location:

enter image description here

Later in the timeline, keyframe the Offset in order to move the object along the curve:

enter image description here


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