I have a thin "string" mesh with only line of vertices and gave it a Skin Modifier for it to have some thickness. I enabled Cloth physics for it with Self Collision, and pinned the left most vertex. The other right end has a vertex hooked to an Empty. Then I have a thick plane as Passive Rigid Body with Collision physics enabled for it. If I press space to start the simulation, the string cloth falls right through it.
The weird thing is that if I add another plane, and then Shift select the string and do Ctrl+L > Copy Modifiers, which makes it the same cloth as the string and then play the simulation, the plane cloth will actually collide with the passive rigid body. So why does the string which is the original holder of those modifiers not collide with the passive rigid body?
These are the settings for the passive rigid body and then on the right, the settings for both string & plane cloths.
Why does the plane cloth collide but not the string cloth despite its modifiers being copied from the string cloth? How do I fix this in Blender 3.6?