I'm trying to create a simulation for cell division. The idea is pretty simple.
- Get one point
- Duplicate the point inside a simulation using the duplicate node
- Instance a "cell"
- Move only the "newly" duplicated cells
Solved problems 2. Using math node modulo and switch node to create cells only at fixed intervals i.e.) 4 second
Unsolved 4. I've tried move the cells using another (or the same?) simulation and selecting the instances using the instance index (and also the points index. The problem is that first of all the duplicate (as expected) have all same index, also I did not succeeded in storing a custom attribute and to retrieve the named attribute I tried to store a custom attribute and use this for moving only particles with custom attribute but with no luck.
EDIT 7/8/2023. It seems it is not possible to change the index inside the nodes. Using instancing worked