As of 3.5.1, there is no built-in function to fully handle this task. However, using v.link_edges
to obtain the edges connected to a vertex offers significant utility. Summarizing how the code works, this method:
Note: Upon obtaining the vertices of the next
edge, it's unknown whether verts[0]
or verts[1]
of this edge is truly the next connected vertex. Therefore, if the 0th vert is found to have already been sorted, the true next connected vert is guaranteed to be the 1st vert, otherwise it's the 0th vert.
import bpy
import bmesh
# get the mesh object
obj = bpy.context.object
# choose initial and final indices
initial = 137
final = 37
# select shortest path between starting and ending points
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
# create sphere bmesh
me =
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me)
# make sure the BMesh is up-to-date
# get bmesh verts
verts = bm.verts
# set mode to vert select
bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type= 'VERT')
# deselect all
bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action = 'DESELECT')
# select verts at these indices
v = verts[initial] = True
verts[final].select = True
# select shortest path
# initialize sorted vertices list
sorted_verts = [v]
# initialize set of indices that have already been sorted
sorted_indices = {initial}
# while loop to append to sorted verts
while v.index != final:
# get connected edge as a single-element generator
connected_edge = (e for e in v.link_edges if
# get the edge itself
e = next(connected_edge)
# get 0th vert of the edge
v = e.verts[0]
# not gauranteed that verts[0] is the "next" vertex. It could just as well be verts[1]
# rather check if index is in set of already sorted indices compared to checking if v is in sorted_verts list
if v.index in sorted_indices:
v = e.verts[1]
# append to list and add to set
# deselect connected edge = False
print('\n------ sorted vertex indices --------')
for v in sorted_verts:
# may be of benifit to again select the shortest path for visualizations after the script has already ran
#verts[initial].select = True
#verts[final].select = True
As you can see, the magnitude of the printed indices decrease between some indices and increase between other indices in the sorted list, indicating this list is not sorted by the magnitude of the indices.
Image addressing the mistake I made caught by @MarkusVonBroady