I'm trying to export my renders in EXR format for some further compositing in nuke, but noticed that the files exported as .exr look very different to the files exported as .png or the Blender preview.
After some searching, I found out that pngs are unable to correctly display emission and transmission for the same pixel, but that effect is actually what makes the crystals in my render look good, so in the .exr files, they look extremely flat.
Is there a way to export exrs in a way that would result in the same result as from the png file? (Aka force exrs to produce the same "error" for pixels with transmission and emission data)
For reference, the EXRs contain these passes:
• Diffuse (Direct, Indirect, Color)
• Glossy (Direct, Indirect, Color)
• Transmission (Direct, Indirect, Color)
• Emission
• Object Cryptomatte