I've been stuck for a while with this modeling, this is a vape. I've watched modeling tutorials and almost the entire donut series but my head can't figure out this. In the original model; the sides are almost straight while the front and back faces are being pushed inward, creating crevices that the highlight it's catching. Which would be a way to separate the faces so it keeps his original appearance in the sides?
I though the key could be loop cuts but I can't really figure out a proper way to place them
The sides looks something similar to the model on the right but it's more smoother, thicker and rounder in the mouth as you can see in the middle image. I want the push inward to create the crevice of highlight in the front and back faces
I want to basically create the push inwards without altering the sides
This is my mesh, here I added more loop cuts and I tried only selecting the desired vertex to push in but it keeps altering the sides, I'm guessing it has something to do to being connected but I don't know a way to separate them