How to create a trampoline using Blender physics simulator?
The bouncing and collision location is correct. Only the ball does not "dent" the trampoline needs to be fixed. Increasing soft body mass causes the ball to stick to the cloth. Increasing cloth collision quality does not help (ball sticks to cloth). "Bake all Dynamics" gives the same result.
I almost manage with:
- plane (5m x 5m, edge subdivided 10x10), all transforms applied
- modifiers
- Subdivide: 2
- Cloth
- Quality steps: 5
- Shape
- Pin group: plane edges
- Shrinking factor: -0.01
- Collisions
- Quality: 5
- Collision
- modifiers
- Icosphere
- modifiers
- Soft body
- Object mass: 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg
- Goal: disabled
- Edges
- Bending: 1
- Soft body
- modifiers