I have started my first 3d modelling project. After finishing the modelling process, I discovered the 3D Print Toolbox, which helped me to identify potential problems. However, after several hours of Googling, I'm still not able to resolve the last problem: Zero faces.
I used boolean modifiers to cut out a cylinder and a cube. I tried to use a solidifier before applying the boolean to avoid zero-faces but it didn't help. In addition, I tried to adapt the faces/edges at the cylinder but it didn't seem to have an effect on the zero faces. I deleted the cylinder that was originally used for the boolean, so technically there shouldn't be any interface between two objects. (I also tried to merge by distance, Mesh>Clean-up>Degenerage Dissolve, and more approaches - but seem to miss the right one.)
My questions now:
- Will these zero faces have any impact on my 3d Print?
- How can I get rid of these zero faces?
Thank you very much for your thoughts!