I've been looking for a way to distribute instances on a mesh and align the rotation of each instance to the direction of the border it would be place at. For instance:
On this exemple, "A" is the current result I'm in, a simple "Mesh to Points" > "Instance to Points" distribution. The nodes look like this:
"B" is the result I'm looking for. Where the instances face the border edge of the face they're instanced on.
The final goal of this would be to distribute houses and buildings on a large scale neighborhood in a more accurate way, where they all face the correct direction and using plane meshes for every city block
"C" is a most advanced version of what I would need, where a larger plane can be used as source mesh, and only the faces touching the border of the plane would be instanced on, leaving an empty space in the middle. but don't know if it is possible, so "B" would be fine for now.
I'm not the most advanced user of Geometry Nodes, quite the opposite really. I learn the most I can from tutorials and try to apply the principles learned to my specific problem, but I haven't being able to find any sort of reference on how to create this specific type of alignment. I would appreciate any solution or direction on how to achieve this.