I am using a technique I found on YouTube titled "Blender 2.59 Boat Hull Modeling Tutorial with converted B-Spline Guides". Here is the link I used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ij6RicPUoaA&feature=iv&src_vid=aWoB5x6VPkc&annotation_id=annotation_370854
I have followed along with it and made those B-Splines as best I could using the orthographic views I made of the model using Inventor. So far everything worked except for applying a mirror modifier to the plane as described at time 23:53/42:28 in the tutorial.
I understand that the narrator is using release 2.59 and we are using 2.72, so the problem may be a version issue but I'd appreciate some advice as to how to continue.
You can see in this image that the narrator is applying a mirror modifier while the plane he has created is in the edit mode.
When I try to do that I get the message "Modifiers cannot be applied in edit mode". My question is, "How can I continue modeling the hull as shown in the tutorial if I can't use the mirror modifier?"