this is my first time using Blender and I struggle to find tutorial on how to use the video editing tool. The problem I am having is that I want two videos to overlap but I want to set the opacity of the foreground to e.g. 0.2. Ideally, I would like it to fade into opacity 0.2.
What I have done is to put the background video in channel 2 (audio in 1) and foreground video in channel 3 (no audio). I selected all channels, right-clicked, and selected "fade in and out". Now they all start at opacity 0 and move to opacity 1. I would like to cap the opacity of the fore ground to 0.2 but whenever I select the video in channel 3 and change the opacity in the right panel (compositing, blend --> Alpha Over, Opacity --> 0.2) it changes the opacity for 1 frame.
How can I select multiple timeframes in one channel to change a parameter?
Many thanks!