Since we now know that you are talking about a single mesh with a lot of vertices, you can do it a bit different as I explained in the comments on my other answer.
Let's say you have a dense mesh and you know the distance between two of those points (I'll take a generated landscape because I have no other dense mesh right now). First make sure the Scale of the mesh object is 1 on all axes in Object Mode:
Then Tab into Edit Mode, select the two points of which you know the distance:
Hit F to create a new edge between them. Activate Edge Length in the Overlays for the viewport. In my case it shows the length of the edge as 1.2 m:
This value might not be precise enough for scaling the object to its real world measurements, depending on how precise you want it. You can go to Scene Properties > Units and change the unit for Length to Millimeters or Micrometers instead of Meters. Now the length shows 1196469 μm = 1.196469 m which is a bit more precise.
If you have noted the value somewhere, you don't need the edge any longer and can delete it with X > Delete > Edges (not Vertices!). But you can do it after the scaling as well. If you keep it now, you can use it for checking the distance afterwards.
Tab back into Object Mode. With the known real distance between the vertices and the measured length of the edge, you can calculate the scaling factor by dividing them:
$$\frac{\text{real distance}}{\text{measured length}}=\frac{\text{5 m}}{\text{1.196469 m}}\approx4.178963$$
Now in Object Mode simply enter the value into the Scale for the object, you can do it separately for X, Y and Z or drag over the three fields to enter the same value in all fields at once, then hit Return to confirm the new scale:
The last thing to do is applying the scale with Ctrl+A > Apply > Scale or else the measurement in Edit Mode would still show 1.2 m:
But with the scale applied it now shows 5000001 μm which is almost perfect. By now you can definitely delete the edge and set the length unit back to Meters, Millimeters or whatever you want.
Bonus tip:
In a very dense mesh it can be very hard to see the newly created edge and the displayed length:
To make it easier to see them, you can - with the vertices needed for measurement selected (even before creating the new edge) - press Shift+H to hide all unselected vertices and you can now see the edge and the length better (or you create the edge now with F if you haven't done before):
To get the hidden vertices back, you can press Alt+H. If you disable the checkbox Select in the Reveal Hidden option at the bottom left, you avoid having all other vertices now selected so that only the new edge will be selected still (helps with deleting it afterwards). Although there is no need to reveal the vertices before scaling and deleting the new edge, since hiding them does not affect the scale operation in Object Mode.