I want to create a driver for a Mix Shader in a Material that is applied to several objects, that is based on a shape key value for the particular mesh.
An example, I have several cylinders that can overheat when compressed, so the value for the shape key "canon fire" would be reference by the driver in Material "Aluminum.Tube":
Because the Material is used by several (common) meshes that are each animated "single use", I cannot use a specific object's shape key reference like below as answered here:
Although I see some "Shape Key from Object" that may hint at a solution, although I don't find this node documented.
self.{$current_object}.to_mesh().shape_keys.key_blocks['cannon fire'].value
Is there some way to specify shape key "canon fire" from current object?
The workaround -- if I have several duplicate-linked objects -- is to make a single-user copy of the Material, and edit each to the animation key block for that object.
As @Nathan says, there is no way to reference some current object from material Shader node drivers.
If I have duplicate-linked objects, I'll need to make a Single User copy of the material for those objects and then change the animated Key-set reference name for each.
Me thinks I'll add a suggestion to the rightclickselect community.