I would create a simple version of the jar first to get a better impression of the 3D model. Especially the sizes and proportions of the dimples and the crease at the top edge can be gotten wrong easily. The simple version can be used as a target for the Shrinkwrap modifier to shape a detailed version of the jar.
For the dimples, a clean low-poly topology is recommended. A detailed version of the jar can be created quickly with the Array and Simple Deform modifiers once you have modeled a single seamless stripe with the dimples.
Start modeling at the world origin (0, 0, 0) in front view (Numpad 1) so that the Simple Deform modifier works properly. A plane should be rotated by 90° along the X-axis in Edit mode.
Now and then you need to apply modifiers. Make a backup copy of your model (Shift+D) before you apply the modifier.
The Simple Version of the Jar
- Import your image as a reference. (There is an add-on that comes with Blender. You just need to enable it in the User Preferences. Then you can import the image with Add > Image > As Reference)
- Trace the outer shape of the jar with a single vertice that you extrude a few times. Use the default cube or a new object, switch to Edit mode, and merge all vertices to a single vert (M). Then extrude the vertice to create an "outline".
- Duplicate the outline, and scale it down a bit to create the inner part. Then connect both parts (select two verts and press F to connect them)
- Use the Screw modifier to create the jar.
The Detailed Version And the Dimples
To create the detailed version, model a single "stripe", then duplicate and bend it with the Array and Simple Deform modifiers.
If you are poorly versed in topology (like me) use a reference. The shape of a dimple is fairly simple. It's a square that turns into a circle shape. This can be done with a simple subdivided plane and the Loop Tools add-on that comes with Blender. Just enable it in the User Preferences.
After you have the inner circle, extrude and scale ES the outer loop, merge the vertices M, and add cuts K with the knife tool where you need them to create the edge flow. You want to have one single pattern element that you can repeat.
The dimples are offset by half a width, creating two bands around the pitcher. So once you have modeled one single dimple, you can duplicate it, and use Array modifiers to create a larger area of it. Then you have something like this (left side):
Now you can merge the parts and remove everything that repeats to create a "stripe"/"slice". Then fix the top and the bottom parts. You only need half of a dimple and can apply a Mirror modifier to get the repeating stripe (right side of the screenshot).
Now you have this, you can use a bunch of modifiers to create the jar. Add an Array modifier and a Simple Deform modifier to create the jar. A Weld modifier to merge the beginning and the end of the bent plane. Last but not least, use a Shrinkwrap modifier to project the pattern plane on the simple version of the jar. You need to move the plane a bit along the Y-axis so it surrounds the simple version.
Make a backup, apply the modifiers, extrude the upper part, and create the bottom. You can create a vertex group if you just want to shrinkwrap a part of the jar. The top here, for example.
To press in the dimples, select the central vertex in each circle, and scale them inward using Proportional Editing. Do this for each "band" individually so it scales inwards on the same Z-axis/height.