
Trying to close this sphere section that is created by delete geometry node and position selection. How do I add make a face connecting the top open edges?

enter image description here

Note that in the screenshot, only the frame titled mantle is connected to output for simplification


2 Answers 2


Solved using Attribute Statistic and Transfer Attribute

enter image description here

enter image description here


Actually, all you need to do here is select the points along the open edge, and convert them into a mesh.

You can solve this as follows:

enter image description here

  1. Convert only the points along the open edge into a curve with Mesh to Curve.
  2. Convert this curve into a mesh with Fill Curve.
  3. By converting the curve, its position was set to 0, so move it back to the position of the original curve.

PS: If you are using Blender 3.3, then you should apply the node Transfer Attribute instead of Sample Index.

(Blender 3.4)


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